My friend Uttara's kids are the ones who dearly love silly face cookies - chocolate brownie roll out cookies frosted by royal icing. When her nephew graduated from college last month, Uttara asked me to make the same cookies, but shaped like a graduate. I did not think I was up to the task, but once I found a cookie cutter and a good tutorial, it turned out I was able to do it! I won't go as far as to say they actually resemble her nephew in any way, but they were really quite sweet and fun to make.
It's actually a different challenge making these, which are all supposed to look identical, rather than the silly face cookies (or valentine's cookies, or baby shower cookies), where I specifically challenge myself to have no two look quite the same. I think the extra touches, like the white glint in the eyes and button nose, are super cute! (More graduation cookies, this time for Uttara's oldest, coming soon!)