hotcakes bakes!

Have I mentioned that I'm unemployed? I learned earlier this year that my company planned to move its headquarters and would be laying off most of the employees (surprise!), and my time came two weeks ago. I just started my job search and I'm contemplating what would be a good next move, but in the meantime, while I've got a lot of free time, I'm going to be interning one morning a week at a great local bakery, Hotcakes Bakes!

It would be great if all interviews went so easily. I walked in today, with no appointment, and asked to speak to the owner. I had prepared a pitch in my head, but I didn't get very far; I explained that I'm in job transition and I'd like to work there, and I asked if they ever accept interns. She said yes and asked when I'd like to start and how often I'd like to work. Whoohoo! She basically said they'll take any help they can get, so apparently it's not too discerning a process. Some of the interns are pastry students, and one is an attorney who comes in on Fridays because she likes to. I'll be assisting the head baker with whatever she needs, and I was told we'd start with cupcakes and go from there. I'm supposed to show up at 8, which seems incredibly civilized for a bakery, in a white t-shirt and jeans. Supposedly, it's pretty different from home baking.

To celebrate, I brought home four mini-cupcakes for dessert, all different flavors, and cut them up to taste. Boy-o abandoned his dinner immediately and peppered me with questions: "I'm done with dinnow; can I have my cupcakes now? Can I have another one? Can I look in the box?" Later, he was teary when going to bed, so I reminded him of all the fun things we did tonight and that we had cupcakes. He perked up just long enough to say, "No, Mommy, they were mini-cupcakes!"

Let's hope volunteering has free-sample perks!

ETA: By the way, a few notes on what I'm hoping to get from this experiment:
- Actual baking tips from professional bakers! I always want to improve my mad skillz.
- A sense of baking in a commercial setting: does it take the joy out of baking for fun?
- Although I generally prefer team work environments, baking is typically something I do alone. When you bake with other people, is it fun and collaborative? do you get to take ownership of any little part of it? do I want to be able to take credit for more individual work?
- Do I have any entreprenurial strengths or desires? Enough to start my own business?


Anonymous said…
It'd be funny if you showed up in full chef's regalia and they were all WHAT.
Nanette said…
I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all about your baking adventures!
aunt $ said…
agreed w/ justJENN...if nothing else, totally think you should wear a big white hat!
Sandra Dee said…
I am so proud of you and all your maddd skilllzzzz......