biplane birthday cake

One of our best little-guy friends just turned 3. When asked what kind of cake he wanted, he immediately replied, "ladybug," much to everyone's surprise. Mommy Denise, knowing the kid's fascination with planes, trains, and automobiles (shoutout to John Hughes!) - including his recent preoccupation with a toy biplane - thought perhaps he'd really like a biplane on his cake. With extra red and black fondant on hand, I decided to give him both.

[It's a 3-layer cake - vanilla, chocolate, vanilla - with vanilla buttercream frosting. I didn't get to taste it, but I'm told it was a hit with the partygoers. I forgot to mention that I'd used toothpick halves to fortify the things holding the wings up; needless to say, that came as a surprise when they dismantled the airplane to taste the fondant. Sorry, guys. I'm pretty new to molding fondant, and I was afraid it would collapse without a little extra help. The rest of it is just plain ol' Surfas fondant I colored, molded, and left out to dry overnight. P.S. I colored the fondant the night before I molded it and let it "ripen" in the fridge because I know the colors can sometimes become more intense overnight. It took a fairly ridiculous amount of red gel food coloring to get it to this point.]

Happy birthday, Ra!


The Nix Family said…
It was a hit and the cake that keeps on giving! I used the still intact ladybug as bribery for Ra to have a good first day at school today! Thanks again!