chocolate chip cookies: an old favorite, a new recipe

I have been totally slammed lately, and not only have I not baked anything I could blog about, I haven't had two minutes to sit down and blog anyway. Tonight, I could no longer stand it; I had to bake. Josh came home from two days in Denver to find me mixer-side.

First, read this.
Then, read this.
Then, bake these.


Crispy and chewy and chocolate-oozey. The KA blog post talks about sprinkling the dough lightly with sea salt before baking, but the recipe doesn't mention it; consequently, I forgot to do it. I only baked off a half-dozen cookies, wanting to refrigerate the rest of the dough until tomorrow night when it has aged 24 hours, so I'll probably try some of the remaining ones with salt. I'll be interested to see if I can taste those more "sophisticated" toffee notes. I'm guessing not.

(Jenn, try not to be offput by the 1/2 cup shortening; it's little enough that the dough even tastes good raw, and I think it lends a nice crispness to the cookies without a negative impact on taste.)
Also, I tried a new technique tonight that worked great. The butter was frozen, and I didn't have a microwave handy or two hours to wait. I used a box grater and grated the stick down to the last tablespoon or so, which I then chopped so I wouldn't lose the tops of my knuckles to the grater as I am wont to do. So fast, so easy, and the butter is perfectly ready for beating by the time you've got all the ingredients in the bowl. Actually, probably preferable to trying to defrost it in the microwave, which always comes out unevenly.

No pics tonight, but take my word for it, these are yummy.
