The lovely Nanette has given me an excellence award! Whee! Now I know I'm part of the blogosphere. I am very flattered, since I am so new at this and do not truly feel I have found my footing. Thanks for being one of my 6 loyal readers, NannersM!
I know the next step is to pay it forward, but although I read a bunch of blogs, I don't actually "know" most of those bloggers. Not knowing the blog-award etiquette, I would feel odd giving them this award. (They'd be like, "Um, great. Thanks. And you are...?")
HOWEVER, that does not diminish the fact that I do have several friends with whose blogs I am very impressed! So without further ado...
Alyssa Outnumbered
Frume Sarah's World
justJENN rants & raves (I know Nanette tapped her too; must mean she's truly excellent!)
Major Generalist
Superfluous Juxtaposition (even though she's on a break)
The Nix Family
There's one other, but her blog isn't yet public, and I'm not about to out here here. You know who you are. :-)
ETA: With her permission: Honestly Sincere
Now it's official...